In the Identity Library

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Veronika Becher 0:00
Hey everyone, welcome to my podcast, Identity Library. My name is Veronika Becher, and I'm currently a German student at NC State, studying Business Bdministration and getting my degree from two different countries. Thank you so much for tuning in. I hope that you enjoy my new podcast. It's going to be about identity as the main topic, but also we're going to talk about religion, culture, international perspectives, anything that might define identity as itself. So grab a cup of your favorite drink and enjoy with each chapter, discovering a new set of identity in my little identity library. And with that being said, I hope that the next chapters can stir a little conversation or thought, or it could be even eye opening in any kind of way. Thank you so much for tuning in and see you soon. Bye.

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In the Identity Library
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